sunnuntai 5. helmikuuta 2012

Gran Torino

I watched Clint Eastwood's movie "Gran Torino". I actually liked it! I've always thought that all Eastwood movies are just old western. So here is the thing. Walt Kowalski is a war veteran. In the beginning of the movie he is at his wives funeral.
I liked Walt as a person. He is cynical, but he's also really humouristic person.

Thao is young, asian man. He lives in Walt's neighbour. Thao is pretty shy person. He doesn't really stand up for his rights. His cousin's gang is terrorizing him all the time on the movie. 

Sue is Thao's sister and later Walts good friend. She is really strong person.

The movie made me feel anger and sorrow, but also joy and good feelings.

Overall, really great movie with great and interesting plot.

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